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Manifesting Part I – Writing a Letter to the Universe

Writer's picture: Carrie UrdigaCarrie Urdiga

Many moons ago, my then husband had a friend named Joanne. Joanne was one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. My ex was half convinced she was a witch (the good kind) and with wild raven tresses that fell to her waist and piercing sky-blue eyes, she looked the part. Joanne was super cool.

She was also very new age and talked a lot about energy, bringing what you want into your life and generally working with the flow of the Universe. She had a beat-up old car that she talked to and several cats.

Once, when Joanne was visiting us (she lived in another city) she started talking about writing letters to the Universe. I asked what that was and she kindly explained it to me

Joanne knew about and was practicing "The Secret" long before someone wrote a book about it. Joanne knew how things worked.

She told me that you are able to bring anything you wish into your life, simply by manifesting it. One of the easiest ways is to write out what you want.

“I call it my letter to the Universe,” she said.

She advised that I write as though the thing that I wanted (perhaps a new career or more money) was happening in the present OR the time frame in which I wanted it to occur. Keep in mind, this was about 15+ years ago… This woman was a metaphysical trailblazer.

For example: One could write that they wanted to bring in a new career in the year 2017 but one had to write as though it has already occurred.


"Dear Universe,

It is the first half of 2017 and I am now settling into a wonderful new career. This new job pays me xxx $$ and I have the BEST manager. I only have to commute no further than 20 min. so I am loving sleeping in!"

You get the picture.

You could bring in whatever you wanted (within reason) but you needed to be very specific. Also, she warned, be careful what you ask for as you will get it.

The idea is that thoughts are energy. The Universe is energy and is also very literal. If you say: I wish I had more money, this is what you’ll get…a wish that you had more money.

If you focus on negative things like: I am so poor! Well, then, poof!! You’re so poor.

See how this works?

I’ve tested this out many, many times in my life (usually with career moves) and I will say that about 8 times out of 10 – it’s worked. That’s pretty good odds.

The thing one needs to realize is what you WANT isn’t necessarily what you NEED. So – be careful on that. Imagine winning that million bucks and then having all of your friends and family suddenly demanding their share. People you haven’t spoken to in years suddenly crawl out of the woodwork looking for handouts. It could ruin all of your relationships and create havoc in your life.

Manifesting takes practice but it does work. When I write my letter to the Universe, I also say it out loud. Joanne insisted that it HAD to be handwritten. Joanne never saw my handwriting.

So, I neatly create a word doc and rather than type it out a hundred times, I verbalize it. Words are power. Spoken words have more energy than written ones. I have no proof of this but can only go by my personal experiences. Every thought (good or bad intention) is energy you’re releasing. If you wish to hand write yours, by all means!

Another worthy note is that this is a working document. You can change it and update it, regularly and I advise this. Life changes, your wants and needs change with it. Also, if there are any unknown factors that suddenly come to light, make sure you change things to be realistic.

One can NOT impose their will on someone else. So, no, it’s highly unlikely you’re going to marry Johnny Depp. Sorry.

I’ll get into more techniques, later. In the meantime, give this a try.

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